コミケットスペシャル6~OTAKUサミット2015~ 無事終了 2日間でのべ5万人が来場。「オタク新世紀宣言」を発表
2015年3月28(土)~29日(日)に幕張メッセで開催された「コミケットスペシャル6~OTAKUサミット 2015~」は、本日無事終了しました。
名称:コミケットスペシャル6 - OTAKU SUMMIT 2015 –
開催日:2015年3月28日~29日 11時 ~ 16時
○併催1:OTAKU EXPO(主催:OTAKU EXPO 実行委員会)
・World Events Exhibition(http://cmksp.jp/cs6/w/world-events-exhibition/)
・OTAKU JAPAN観光協会(http://cmksp.jp/cs6/w/otaku-japan/)
写真家鈴木心による当日写真展示「Comiket Photo Gallery」
参加サークル:2400。赤ブーブー通信社、スタジオYOU の協力をいただいての開催。アンソロジー発行、チラシラリー等、様々な企画を行いました。
・OTAKU EXPO開会式を行い、ゆるキャラ・海外コスプレイヤーが登場。マンガ・アニメ・ゲームに関する議員連盟の赤池誠章参議院議員にご挨拶いただきました。
・魔法少女オーバーエイジズ(飯田里穂、遠藤ゆりか、buzzG&砂守岳央)、畑亜貴、上坂すみれ、少女病、angela、小林幸子が集った中夜祭『OTAKU SUMMIT SPECIAL LIVE』を開催、大いに盛り上がりました。
○OTAKU EXPOと「オタク新世紀宣言」
また、設営日の27日には、「OTAKU EXPO」の企画として、国内外のOTAKUイベント関係者を集めてのラウンドテーブルを実施しました。第1部では、コミックマーケット準備会から今回の「コミケットスペシャル6/OTAKU EXPO」の趣旨説明を行い、今後の協調に向けての課題などを話し合い、本リリース末に掲載した『オタク新世紀宣言』を採択しました。第2部では、IOEA設立準備室に司会を引き継ぎ、OTAKUイベント同士の国際的なネットワーク構築を目的として設立されたIOEA(International Otaku Expo Association)設立総会が行われました。
- 我々は、マンガ、アニメ、ゲームを中心とするオタク文化の素晴らしさを伝え、地位を高める活動を行っていく
- 我々は、協力して我々の愛する文化の普及、振興に努める。
- 我々は、お互いの問題に共同して取り組み、解決するよう努める。
- 我々は、世界の愛好者と連携し、協力していく。
- 我々は、世界の相互理解に貢献できるよう努力する。
Declaration of the New Otaku Century
In Japan, the use of the term otaku to describe enthusiasts of culture originating from Japan — not limited to just anime, manga, and games — is a recent development. There is no denying that the term is derogatory in origin and was directed at those who engaged in particular hobbies. We even used the word otaku ourselves in a self-deprecating manner.
But the body of work that otaku had come to love, one born out of a uniquely Japanese evolution, has gone on to win many devotees around the world. Furthermore, those around the world who have been exposed to these works have been instrumental in giving birth to new trends that paved the way for novel works to come about.
In regards to doujinshi (non-commercial, personal publishing) in particular, in which fans themselves author creative works, hundreds of thousands are being produced around the world every year, and it is clear that that it has become an important source of entertainment for people worldwide.
In other words, there are now many friends in countries around the world who love these works that Japan gave birth to and come together to share their enjoyment of them. All over the globe, organizations that are enthusiastic about Japanese manga, anime, games, and other forms of expressive culture have come into being, and numerous “spaces” have been created. Our love for these creative works binds us together, transcending the boundaries of language, race, and borders. This is proof that the hard work of the creators that we all hold in such esteem has been recognized.
With deep respect to all creative artists who give new stories to the world, we event organizers who treasure otaku culture have gathered here as individual otaku in order to support creators and countless creative works — with a focus on manga, anime, and games — out of a place of love for those works.
In order to support, promote, and enjoy these creative works that continue to develop day by day, we have exchanged a vow to strive to gather fellow otaku from around the world so that we may join together to become the driving force that will propel those works to even greater heights.
We believe that this vow will be the spark that will cause this body of work that is so enjoyed by its devotees, as well as the array of hobbies that fall under the “otaku” mantle, to earn even more acceptance from society.
From this day forward, the word otaku shall be given a new meaning and will be spoken with pride. Together, with our friends around the globe, we shall undertake the following:
- Together, we will communicate to others the wonders of otaku culture, which includes, but is not limited to, manga, anime and games, and work towards raising its status.
- Together, we will assist one another to spread and promote the culture we love.
- Together, we will jointly face the challenges we are confronted with and work towards overcoming them.
- Together, we will cooperate with enthusiasts around the world and provide them with assistance.
- Together, we will strive to contribute towards mutual understanding on a global level.
Guided by mutual respect and support, we hereby declare our intention to spread and support a new otaku culture that centers around manga, anime, and games.
March, 2015